Color Psychology: Does Color Affect How You Feel?

85% of consumers’ choices at Vegas Casino Online are heavily influenced by the color of the promotional banner. A study found that up to 90% of snap judgments made about products can be based on color alone. That’s a lot! 

Color is not only an important component in the psychology of marketing, but it also affects how we feel. It can elicit emotional responses and change your mood or attitude. It has been shown to affect attention spans and memory, as well as overall mental state and decision making processes.

In fact, colors affect us so much that they can even change our behavior. That’s why it’s important for you to know how colors affect you. In order to determine how color can affect consumer decision-making and how to use it, we must first understand what “color psychology” is all about.

Color Psychology

Color psychology is a field of study that examines how colors affect human behavior. It’s a branch of psychology, but it also has some overlap with other fields such as art history and design. Colors have long been thought to have an effect on mood, emotions and even our state of mind. In fact, many people believe that certain colors can have powerful effects on the way we feel or think about things — even if you don’t see any physical changes happening around you.

The idea behind color psychology is pretty simple: different colors can create a sense of comfort or unease depending on what they’re paired with in your environment. 


Blue is a calming color. It can be associated with calmness and trust, which are both important to remember when you’re feeling stressed out or anxious. Blue is also one of the most popular colors in the world — nearly everyone has at least one blue item in their wardrobe.

Blue’s association with trust makes sense because it’s associated with truth and sincerity. People tend to trust someone if they have an honest look in their eyes, as well as words that come from their mouth without any ulterior motives behind them (i.e., “I’m here because…”). This makes blue an excellent choice for online casino brand color.


White is associated with purity, cleanliness, and safety. It’s also the color of snow and Christmas lights. So when you see it in the website decorating choices, you know that your space will be safe. 

In terms of interior design trends over recent years we’ve seen an increase in white furniture pieces including couches as well as dining chairs; however these items can easily become boring if not decorated correctly. The trick with any type of furniture piece whether it’s wooden dining table tops or metal stools — take care when choosing accessories such as candles etcetera because they’ll reflect back onto themselves which means they’ll change color depending upon what else happens around them too.


Red is a warm color that can be used to convey passion and love. It’s also associated with anger and danger, so you’ll often see it in places like stop signs or traffic lights.

Red is also considered one of the most popular colors for use on clothing because it makes you feel hungry: You may have noticed that many restaurants use red lights when they’re open until 9 p.m., or even earlier in some cases.


Yellow is a bright, warm color. It’s associated with happiness and energy, so if you’re feeling down or need some extra motivation to get things done, yellow might be the perfect fit.

Yellow can also be used to create urgency in your marketing campaigns. For example, if you wanted to promote your company’s new product launch as fast as possible without overwhelming people with too much information at once (which would make them feel like they weren’t being listened), yellow might be one of the best colors available for this purpose because it feels more natural than red or blue while still being noticeable enough to grab attention from potential customers.


Green is the color of nature, and it’s also associated with money. It’s a popular choice for banks and other financial institutions because it’s associated with growth and prosperity.

Green also has associations with health and wellness: green tea, cucumbers, kale — all these foods are considered to have health benefits when consumed in moderation.


Orange is a warm color. It’s associated with the sun, which means it’s associated with warmth and energy. The idea of orange being used to represent creativity and optimism doesn’t surprise me at all because this hue is one of my favorite colors in the whole world! Orange also has a strong association with fall — considered one of our favorite seasons as humans — and harvest time.


Purple is not just a color, but also a symbol of royalty and wealth. Royalty often wore purple clothes to show their high rank in society. Purple is also associated with luxury, which can be seen in the clothing worn by royalty or wealthy individuals today.

Purple has many meanings related to spirituality, wisdom and creativity:

  • Purple was used as an official color of the Virgin Mary during her time on Earth (1st century AD).
  • The Buddha was said to have worn robes made from this hue during his life — and we still see it used today as part of Buddhist monks’ attire! It’s no wonder that purple has been connected with spirituality since then.
  • The color itself has been associated with creativity since ancient times; it’s said that Plato would often paint himself into various poses while wearing royal-looking clothes made from this hue so he could think up new ideas for poems or plays about love…plus anything else he wanted.


Black is a color that is associated with power, sophistication, elegance and mystery. It can also be seen as the absence of color.

Black is often used in formal situations because it makes you feel more powerful or confident than other colors do. This can be especially true for women who wear black clothing because it shows off their curves without being too revealing or sexualized by nature.

Black is also known for its ability to project authority and formality when used correctly in business environments such as boardrooms or executive offices where leaders need to impress their employees or clients with leadership skills like managing budgets well enough so everyone knows where money goes every month without having any questions asked about why there might be some extra cash floating around here today instead of last week.


Color is more than just an aesthetic choice. It’s a powerful tool in the hands of designers and marketers that can be used to evoke different emotions and moods, as well as create hierarchy within an image.

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